Private Hire
Enjoy your own private pool
To book a session please call 07551 727 856
Regular Weekly Private Hire Sessions
2 swimmers: £30 per hour (minimum of 2 adults required & a 2:1 ratio if swimming with children)
3-5 swimmers: £39 per hour (minimum of 2 adults required & a 2:1 ratio if swimming with children)
6-8 swimmers: £46 per hour (minimum of 2 adults required & a 2:1 ratio if swimming with children)
Ages 16 and under are classed as children. 60 minute session includes all change time both before and after swim.Our max bather load for private hire is 8 swimmers. Head count of 8 includes both swimmers and spectators. Price above includes a £2 online booking fee.
Please note that we do not run private hire sessions on a Saturday or Sunday.
A waiver is required to sign for private hires by the lead hirer to take responsibility of all those attending. There is no lifeguard on duty at the pool. Cancellations must be made before 48 hours of booked session to receive a refund. Session cancelled after this time will not be refunded. All prices above are +£2 online booking fee.